Sustainable development
Company’s strategic goal is to attain a leading position in hard coal mining in Poland, through investing into modern technology, technical processes, highest safety standards and caring for social relationships. PG SILESIA declares to always act accordingly to the law, with respect to the rules of sustainable development. Sustainable development means, that every action, PG SILESIA is doing, aims at improving the quality of life for future generations. The development of society in our region will be promoted by professional and educational opportunities, as a good citizen we will contribute to an overall positive development of the region in which we are doing business.
Environmental impacts will be managed according to the highest standards and will be mitigated in a professional way. In our everyday work we follow the rules of the Code of Conduct which defines relevant norms respect for the law, responsibility, behavior in the place of work, confidentiality, relations with customers and vendors.
Employees relations
The company supports and follows international standards of respecting human rights. It respects and protects privacy, human dignity, freedom of assembly and association, and other employee rights. The company cares for maintaining proper relations with social partners. Recruitment and promotion, progress and remuneration are run accordingly to clear rules and criteria, that promote equality of rights of all the candidates and employees. In the process of employing the decisions are made based on qualifications, history of employment, and skills necessary for the position. PG SILESIA declares equal treatment in employment, does not tolerate any signs on discrimination due to age, race, skin color, language, social class, ethnicity, religion, disability, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, labor unions membership, or political opinions. To prevent mobbing 'Internal Anti-Mobbing Policy' was implemented. Mobbing and any other unethical behavior impairing either team work or effective collaboration, or harmful to persons or belongings is strictly forbidden in the company.
Work environment
Securing safe work conditions and elimination of potential threats is a vital element of company’s policy. The company declares constant improvement of work safety and health protection of its employees. To achieve that regular supervision checks are conducted, safety improving programs are being implemented, and employees qualifications are raised. Employees are obliged to care for their health and safety, also for other people safety, as well as for the equipment entrusted, accordingly to its design, also to use personal protective measures.